

Identify the cause of a risk and apply impacts & treatments.

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Identify the cause of a risk and apply impacts & treatments.

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Causes in Mastt

Identify, assess, and manage causes of risks with Mastt’s Causes feature, eliminating spreadsheet risk management with a single, easy to use table combining risks, causes, impacts, treatments, and more.

  • Identify Causes: Pinpoint the underlying reasons behind project, program or portfolio risks.
  • Impacts: Assess the potential impacts of these causes.
  • Real-Time Visibility: Integrate risks, causes, impacts and treatments into one centralized table for immediate review (risk register).
  • Automated Reporting: Generate dashboards, reports, and more using Mastt’s extensive library of charts, tables, visualizations, and export options.

If you are looking for Mastt's complete Risk Register solution, go here. Otherwise, learn more about Causes in Mastt below. 👇

What are Causes?

Causes are the underlying factors or reasons that contribute to the occurrence of project, program or portfolio risks. Understanding the causes of risks is essential for developing mitigation strategies and performing a risk likelihood and impact assessment.

Risk likelihood and impact assessment in Mastt.

Challenges with Causes

Common challenges we see in managing causes:

Spreadsheet Difficulty: Using spreadsheets to manage risk and incorporate causes by adding columns, rows and formulas is difficult.

❌ No Risk Management Framework: Without following global standards and a well-defined risk matrix, evaluating the impact of causes will be guessing and inconsistent.

❌ No Treatment & Impact Tracking: No direct linkage between causes, impacts & their treatments makes likelihood and impact assessment non compliant with global standards.

Poor Documentation: Inadequate recording of causes, treatments and impacts makes pro active risk management impossible.

Reporting: Formatting / transposing spreadsheet tables into charts and visualizations for reporting takes a huge amount of time for an unsatisfactory, out of date result.

Manual Aggregation: To obtain program or portfolio visibility, resources need to collate and format data from multiple sources, contributing to inaccuracies and delays.

Cause Features

Mastt’s easy to use risk management tools will ensure best practice risk management processes are followed.

🔷 Add Cause: List the reasons causing an identified risk.

🔷 Track Status: Manage causes through status of draft, active, retired or realized.

🔷 Impacts: Add risk impacts / consequences in response to a risk's cause.

🔷 Treatments: Mitigate causes & their impacts by adding treatments to reduce likelihood and/or impact ratings.

🔷 Risk Matrix: Use a 5x5 or 4x4 risk matrix to assess likelihood and impacts.

🔷 Drill-Down Analysis: Access detailed breakdowns of risk data for in-depth analysis and prompt decision-making.

🔷 Charts and Visualizations: Utilize built-in charts, tables, and visualizations to analyze risk ratings, categories, and cost/time impacts effectively.

🔷 Aggregate Risk Data: Easily aggregate risk data automatically by adding or removing projects from programs and portfolios.

Easily add causes, track status and perform risk likelihood and impact analysis.

Cause Best Practices

🟢 Identify Thoroughly: Conduct thorough analyses to identify all potential causes of risks, ensuring input from the wider project team is considered.

🟢 Assess Impact: With causes identified, use a structured approach to evaluate the potential effects of identified causes on project outcomes.

🟢 Plan Mitigations: Develop detailed mitigation strategies to address and mitigate causes, ensuring long-term project stability. Assign ownership of these treatments to project personnel to ensure accountability.

🟢 Track Regularly: Monitor the status of mitigation efforts regularly to ensure they are implemented effectively. This can occur through independent review or the facilitation of risk workshops at incremental periods throughout the project lifecycle.

🟢 Maintain Records: Keep comprehensive records of all identified risks and their mitigation actions for future reference, compliance, and historical context.

🟢 Communicate Clearly: Keep all stakeholders informed about identified causes and mitigation plans. Regular communication ensures that all parties are aware of potential issues and can contribute to managing them.

Step by Step Guides

Are you a Mastt user? For detailed information about this feature, please visit this Help Page article. You can also explore more articles at help.mastt.com.

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Andrew Benn, WSP Technical Director

"With Mastt, our client can see the status of the project anytime, reducing back and forth queries, and not having to wait until the end of the month to receive a monthly report."

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Rebecca White, RPS Program Manager

"Mastt has saved our team significant time and effort in managing the financials elements of 65+projects. The team now has total visibility over their individual projects as well as the overarching program of works."

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Erik Maasepp, Capital Insight Senior Project Manager

"Mastt takes away a lot of user error that spreadsheets bring. With Mastt, we are able to combine multiple projects into programs or portfolios for management level analysis and direction."

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CAPT. Dan Foley, Army Digital Transformation Manager

"Mastt is increasing the team’s tempo and productivity by enabling real time information across our portfolio of projects. This transparency is assisting us to make informed decisions, to identify opportunities and reduce the risk."

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Dan Atkins, Jacobs National Program Manager

"Mastt's ability to record critical financial information as well as program forecasted delivery and milestones put Jacobs in a favourable position to our clients."

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Mohammed Salameh, Compass' Associate Director

"Moving to Mastt is one of the best decisions my team has ever made. It’s cost-effective, easy to use, and a quick set up."

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Fergus Bruce, Project Manager at WSP

"A key factor in our decision to adopt Mastt is its user-friendliness. It had to continue to empower us to work smart, allowing us to consistently deliver excellence across multiple sectors and geographic regions."

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